Disegno Kitchen faucets, bath faucets, shower faucets
Disegno Faucets, Shower kits, Bath Accessories
CLICK HERE to see all Disegno faucets.
Distinct, precise and bold. Decorative plumbing made in Italy.
- Disegno Axi: Modern bath faucets, Contemporary shower kits, and Designer rain heads.
- Disegno Cento: Designer bathroom pedestal sinks, Modern semi pedestal sinks, Contemporary freestanding sinks, Moderb wall hung sinks counter top sinks, and Luxury wall hung toilets.
- Disegno Nostalgia Cross: Contemporary deckmount faucets, Modern wallmount tub fillers, Designer floormount tub fillers, and Luxury shower kits.
- Disegno Bonn: Luxury bathroom deckmount taps, Designer shower kits, and Modern hand showers.
- Disegno Seven: Modern wallmount sink faucets, Designer deckmount taps, Luxury wallmount tub filler with hand shower, and Contemporary shower kits.
Click below for a Canaroma Bath & Tile, Disegno e-brochure.